🐝 Wasp v0.15 is here! 🐝

Develop full-stack web apps faster.

Rails-like framework for React, Node.js and Prisma. Build your app in a day and deploy it with a single CLI command.

Works with
Backed byYC
app todoApp {
  title: "ToDo App",  // visible in the browser tab
  auth: { // full-stack auth out-of-the-box
    userEntity: User, 
    methods: { google: {}, gitHub: {}, email: {...} }

route RootRoute { path: "/", to: MainPage }
page MainPage {
  authRequired: true, // Limit access to logged in users.
  component: import Main from "@client/Main.tsx" // Your React code.

query getTasks {
  fn: import { getTasks } from "@server/tasks.js", // Your Node.js code.
  entities: [Task] // Automatic cache invalidation.
model Task { ... } // Your Prisma data model
Open Source

This is the way. Wasp is fully open-source and you're welcome to contribute!

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Full-stack Auth

Add login with social providers or email in a few lines of code with powerful UI helpers. No third party vendor lock-in.

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RPC (Client <-> Server)

Wasp provides a typesafe RPC layer that instantly brings your data models and server logic to the client.

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Simple Deployment

Deploy your app to any platform. Wasp offers CLI helpers for the most popular options.

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Easily define, schedule and run specialized server tasks. Persistent, retryable, delayable.

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Email Sending

All you need to do is connect an email provider and you can send emails!

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Full-stack Type Safety

Full support for TypeScript with auto-generated types that span the whole stack.

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And More!

Custom API routes, database seeding, optimistic updates, automatic cache invalidation on the client, ...

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How does it work? 🧐

Given a simple .wasp configuration file that describes the high-level details of your web app, and .js(x)/.css/..., source files with your unique logic, Wasp compiler generates the full source of your web app in the target stack: front-end, back-end and deployment.

This unique approach is what makes Wasp "smart" and gives it its super powers!

Simple config language

Declaratively describe high-level details of your app.

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Wasp CLI

All the handy commands at your fingertips.

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React / Node.js / Prisma

You are still writing 90% of the code in your favorite technologies.

Arrivederci boilerplate

Write only the code that matters, let Wasp handle the rest.

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Show, don't tell.

Take a look at examples - see how things work and get inspired for your next project.

Todo App (TypeScript) ✅

A famous To-Do list app, implemented in TypeScript.

wasp GitHub profile picturewasp

CoverLetterGPT 🤖

Generate cover letters based on your CV and the job description. Powered by ChatGPT.

vincanger GitHub profile picturevincanger

Realtime voting via WebSockets 🔌

A realtime, websockets-powered voting app built with Wasp and TypeScript.

wasp GitHub profile picturewasp

Stay up to date 📬

Be the first to know when we ship new features and updates!

🚧 Roadmap 🚧

Work on Wasp never stops: get a glimpse of what is coming next!

Right behind the corner
  • Improve Prisma support (more features, IDE) 
  • Add TS eDSL, next to Wasp DSL 
  • Make Wasp Auth usable in external services 
  • Add more social providers to Wasp Auth 
  • Support for SSR / SSG 
  • Full-Stack Modules (aka FSMs: think RoR Engines)
Further down the road
  • Multiple targets (e.g. mobile) 
  • Automatic generation of API for Operations 
  • Top-level data schema 
  • Complex arch (multiple servers, clients, serverless)
  • Polyglot (Python, Rust, Go, ...) 
  • Multiple frontend libraries (Vue, Svelte, ...)

Frequently asked questions

For anything not covered here, join our Discord!